I'm in the midst of the last two weeks of the semester, which means final presentations and final exams. Not a lot of interest to a romance writer!
Could I possibly do a "quick" blog post? Not likely, but maybe a blog referral I could do.
Picking a consistent favorite is tough, however. A lot of blogs seem to be currently suffering from bouts of crankiness out there. There is a lot of: "what-not-to-do-itis." I even read an agent post that I usually enjoy practically begging NaNoWriMo writers NOT to send him their just completed manuscripts. At least for a year. I guess that makes sense, but seriously? Is it necessary to point that out? Not that I've done NaNoWriMo (yet!), but if I did, or when I do, I think I'd be a little offended. It's a huge accomplishment! I doubt, however, I'd be thinking it was ready to go out on December 1.
Oops, I just rambled into a topic.
But back to blog/website referrals. How about something truly useful? For instance, need some maps for your Regency?
From the site Jane Austen's World, they have a link to: Maps of 18th and 19th Century London.
Of note:
Richard Horwood's 1792-1799 Plan of London and Westminster - quite simply, the most detailed map of Georgian and Regency London you will ever find. It shows every house (with numbers), every alley, every tavern, every work and alms house. Magnificent.
I guess that's three links. It's like eating potato chips. Then again, you might never leave the Jane Austen's World site. Oh, so tempting!
What would be your pick(s) for your most useful writing site(s)? Any favorite blog posts or web sites you'd like to share? Please do! Or, what do you think about the agent's rant on NaNoWriMo submissions?
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8 hours ago
I love the Jane Austen's World blog, and I could get lost in there. Thanks for reminding me about the maps. If you can't find me, that's where I'll be. LOL
ReplyDeleteI lost my bookmarks when I got my new laptop, and I'm still trying to recreate those--so I can't remember all my favorite writing sites. Ack. I almost lost this comment when I went looking for my fave sites. LOL I better do my research and THEN comment!
Donna, it is ironic how you (we!) can get lost at a map site! LOL
ReplyDeleteYou lost your bookmarks? *gasp in horror* That's one of the things I do like about a blog. I have most of mine saved here -- the research anyway. I started out with historical articles and if you ever want to find some links, go to my LABELS on the sidebar and click on "Regency" or just "Historical Research" to get more than you bargained for! LOL
Melissa, maps fascinate me, especially the ones from long ago.
ReplyDeleteAnd I have a file from the old hard drive called "Favorites" which apparently is my bookmarks, and I managed to get it onto the desktop portion of this computer--but I can't seem to get them where they need to go, unless I do it one by one. Gah!
I'll definitely check out your links. :) Here's one I saw on Twitter that I like, with interesting Regency info and links: http://lesleyannemcleod.blogspot.com/
Okay, I'm off to work on my blog posts for tomorrow and the Pirate one on Wednesday. Lots to do! LOL
Thank you so much for the link and the compliments. *Blush* - Vic
ReplyDeleteDonna, thanks for the link suggestion! Looks like I'm going to be spending some time over the semester break updating my site looking for broken links and adding in some new ones and this looks great!
ReplyDeleteVic, you are very welcome! THANK YOU so much for the work you put into JaneAustensWorld! :)